Development Blog

North Coast is LIVE !

Although we've arguably been at this for over a month now today we're finally ready to be going public with our work. North Coast is live. And we're working on exciting things.

Look it's a logo. It's super official.

Look it's a logo. It's super official.

Ryan and I have decided to do something likely incredibly stupid, make a video game... Make a big video game. We've worked together on projects before but nothing of this scale. It's a daunting task but the progress we've made so far and the reactions we've been getting from our peers have really pushed us to keep on 

Currently our biggest task has been putting all of this legal and company work together (on top of working on the game itself) so we can have a chance at possibly getting funding to continue work on this project. It is a pure passion project at the moment, and we have both put a lot of time and effort into it so far. But it has definitely been worth it 100%!

Although we are a small team of two, we are both well rounded enough to pick up where the other lacks. Maybe hopefully we will be able to bring on a sound artist once things come along a little further.



Follow us on twitter to see how the game is progressing. Or follow mine or Ryan's personal accounts to see what we're currently up to, whatever you want. We just hope you find whatever we post interesting enough to follow up on! 

- Christina